It makes a good plot device, and in real life, is entirely unavoidable. As much as we’d like to eliminate conflict, the best I think we can do is minimize its impact on us, which means learning how best to handle it.
I’m filled with conflict these days – my desire to fight oppression, my desire to avoid people who suck, my own internal resistance to doing what it will take to actually take all these thoughts and dreams in my head and start shaping the world to them, instead of the other way around.
Then again, the Tao teaches doing-not-doing, so forcing the world into a shape it cannot be may be counterproductive.
Would that those would not listen break, and find the plugs in their mind falling free.
Would that we all fall free.
Would that we all love.
Would that, would that.
Target: 1100 words
Written: 1733 words, novel: Bad Neighbours
Read: Proof Of Collusion, Seth Abramson
Comics: Shadownhawk 0, Shadowhawk v4 13-15
Music: In God We Trust, Dead Kennedys