It’s been a tough week. It probably sounds like whining (and it is, to an extent, because I’m not the one with the broken wrist), but man, picking up the slack this week has thrown me right off.
Our chores are usually split; adding three-quarters of what someone else does to maintain our daily lives on top of an already decent load?
It’s a lot.
It does make you appreciate what the other person does, I’ll tell you that.
Free time is over, at least for the next few weeks.
Target: 1100 words
Written: 259 words, novel: Bad Neighbours
Read: The Personal MBA, Josh Kaufman
Comics: Batman/The Maxx: Arkham Dreams 2-5
Music: In 3-D, Weird Al Yankovic (anyone else see that movie? Fucking brilliant - I adore both Weird Al and Daniel Radcliffe)