Back into it. I guess I must be doing okay at work, since they’re offering me extra work most people don’t get (or want, perhaps).
It’s not the greatest job, but as I learn more about who does what in the government and our division, I’m beginning to see that there may be other options.
I mean, as long as this writing thing isn’t paying the bills, which it’s not.
I’ve made exactly zero dollars thus far.
Of course, I don’t expect to make anything off poetry and short stories. Maybe comics. Maybe the hip little ditties if I compile them into a larger volume.
A book of short stories or poetry might work, but I’m a long way from that, and let’s face it – it’s not going to land me on the moon.
That’s the novel prerogative, and even then, it’s dicey. You gotta be good to be great and great to make any cash, which is bullshit.
We massively undervalue art in this world, always have. The absolute cream can make a living; the rest of us are scraping by.
And I don’t believe in the starving artist. I do believe that too much wealth corrupts.
But making a living?
That shouldn’t be something we have to fight for.
Target: 300 words
Written: 176 words, novella: The Mungk
Read: Face It, Debbie Harry
Comics: Sex Criminals 5-8
Music: Jeremy - EP, Pearl Jam (have we deciphered the actual words to Yellow Ledbetter yet?)