Maybe late at night if it’s been a not-so-bad day, and I’m all keyed up and need a release.
But writing after a long day of a hard mental slog? It doesn’t leave much to be desired.
I had a thought about writing of wanting to be bigger than you are (on the inside! And not in the squishy, gooey, fatty way), but that’s too big for me now.
I am small.
My words are small. My works are small.
I am a haiku; flash fiction.
A one-shot comic.
A short story.
A novella, bordering on novelette.
What’s a novelette you say?
A book that wears heels and kicks up its legs in a line with its fellow works, all tits and fishnet, grinning to hide the awful realities behind it.
Target: 500 words
Written: 307 words, novella: The Mungk
Read: Welcome To Night Vale, Night Valia (I did like it, but the near constant podcast references slowed it waaaaaaaaaaaay down, making me wish time was as weird as they say it is, and thereby I could skim through it a bit faster. It got to be a bit of a slog.)
Comics: East Of West 5-8 (way, way into this)
Music: Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, The Cure (I'd kiss you)