i think i might be dying

Scratch that. I know I am.

We all are.

But I think it might be more serious than that.

I haven’t slept properly in weeks, if not months. I get lightheaded regularly. Every joint hurts. I have frequent headaches.

Something is always sitting wrong in my stomach.

I think it’s weight, but I can’t lose anything, even when I’m properly dieting.

I feel like a few days’ sleep would do wonders for me.

What I wouldn’t give for a week long coma.

Target: 700 words
Written: 136 words, novella: The Mungk

Read: The Desire Map, Danielle Laporte
Comics: Danger Girl: Viva Las Danger 1, Danger Girl: Delusions Of Grandeur 1, Batman/Danger Girl 1, Danger Girl: Back In Black 1
Music: One Love, The Prodigy

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