it’s the 4th of july

And it’s truly terrifying. I don’t know what scares me more – fascist plans unfolding around the world or the absolutely ineffectualness of the opposition.

I mean, we can all vote, but there’s so much more they could do and have done on the other side, but this fucking “honour” is hamstringing them, and has us on the verge of just handing the fascists everything because we’ve rendered ourselves impotent by insisting on taking the higher road.

A little dishonour now might just the whole goddamn world from a great deal of bloodshed and misery later.

I fear for this planet; I fear for my family. I fear.

It’s the Fourth of July, and we’re all going to hell.

Target: 700 words
Written: 98 words, novella: The Mungk

Read: Living Dead In Dallas, Charlaine Harris
Comics: Think Tank 1-4
Music: Uh Huh Her, PJ Harvey


I usually hold pop music in disdain, but especially this morning. What makes modern pop different than shitty 80s pop?

Slight better production? More revealing clothes?

Is there anything more tedious than some rapper bragging about how great a rapper he is? Would you even watch a ball player or a concert pianist if all they did was brag about how many homers they hit or how well they tickled the ivories? Or would it get old super fast, and no matter the quality of the production, get lost in the pathetic and annoying ego of its progenitor?

I don’t actually anything against love songs or sexy little ditties, but man, do it fucking right. Add some depth and emotion to it.

At least we seem to be moving past the phase where some producer takes a pithy inspirational phrase and creates a song around it, where there’s nothing but the same goddamn phrase repeated endlessly.

If your song has more writers than the road crew contains members, you’re not a fucking artist; you’re a commodity.

And for shit’s sake, The Weeknd, try not to sound like you’re completely bored with your own music.

Of course, it is boring garbage, and it bores me when it comes on, so why wouldn’t the man who played it a million times not be?

Target: 700 words
Written: 127 words, novella: The Mungk

Read: Gregor And The Prophecy Of Bane, Suzanne Collins
Comics: Saga 65-66 (depending on how it ends, this may be the best comic series ever written)
Music: 18 Singles, U2

the neighbours

After yesterday’s insane Supreme Court ruling demonstrated the absolute corruption of the Republican party (not to mention the rise of the fascist right wing in various European countries and my own country), I am heartsick.

Terrified of our neighbours.

Terrified of what might become of us.

Of what a psychotic, in conjunction with the fascist neighbour, should they re-elect that lying orange shitstain, would do to our country.

This world is terrifying; all the lessons of rebellious youth, our forebearers’ sacrifice, for naught.

Fuck you, America, and the authoritarian horse you ride, as you slowly beat it to death.

Target: 700 words
Written: 110 words, novella: The Mungk

Read: Gregor And The Prophecy Of Bane, Suzanne Collins
Comics: Saga 61-64
Music: Walk, Pantera

canada day

On this day, I fear for our country. Poilevre is nothing more than a Trump in waiting, a Christo-fascist in waiting poised to become our new Prime Minister because Justin Trudeau can’t see the writing on the wall.

All that needs to be done is to have him step down, merge with the NDP and put up a solid candidate as a united left wing, without all the baggage of the prior parties.

Because Poilevre is going to fuck us all, and I don’t want to live in a fascist state with regressive, hateful policies.

I can only pray people come to their senses before this happens, but given the apparent stubbornness of the parties on the left and their unwillingness to sacrifice their own power in order to save the country, I think we’re all on a straight road to hell.

Target: 700 words
Written: 67 words, novella: The Mungk

Read: Gregor And The Prophecy Of Bane, Suzanne Collins
Comics: Saga 57-60
Music: Overrated, Mudmen