I mean, that’s the gist of that phrase, right?
Its origins are obviously in the idea that certain people or organizations act as gatekeepers and therefore, the way to be successful in that field without these fucking creation cops is to just do it anyway and ask forgiveness after it works out.
The problem, like most other platitudes, is that it’s been co-opted (sort of) to become something worse.
Allow me to explain.
Not bothering to ask for permission has been adopted by the extortionists masquerading as capitalists and fascists masquerading as politicians – do whatever the fuck you want and if someone complains, well, then, they must be a whiner or a gatekeeper.
We’ve forgotten the ask forgiveness part.
We’re just doing whatever, fuck permission, and fuck you.
There’s more, much more to be said on that, but I went full marathon today and my brain is D-E-A-D.
Tomorrow, maybe.
Target: 800 words
Written: 2814 words, novella: The Mungk
Read: 'Salem's Lot, Stephen King (so classic, but I'm a little irritated my Kindle copy updated and all the extras somehow disappeared - not what I fucking paid for, Amazon)
Comics: Middlewest 11-14
Music: Live Shit, Local FUCKING H (talk about bands that bring it live)