
I had to get up with Sofi in the storm last night and given that I didn’t want her getting stuck under the bed again, I brought her downstairs, where I proceeded to have my best sleep in a week.

On the couch.

What the actual fuck?

What’s wrong with me?

Is the exhaustion so palpable that I could have slept on a pile of jagged rocks?

A bed of knives?

A lava bed?

(A waterbed with lava, for the uneducated).

I’m sorry. That was rude and unnecessary. In terms of the grand scheme of things, we’re all uneducated.

Target: 800 words
Written: 914 words, novella: The Mungk

Read: Grimm's Fairy Tales, Grimm Bros (finally, fucking finally - not as bad as Hans, but still.  Pretty bad.)
Comics: Untold Tales Of I Hate Fairyland 3-6
Music: Unknown Pleasures, Interpol

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