The make-or-break for world freedom.
Hopeful, and terrified.
I would like to believe this is the beginning of a great wave of enlightenment, but the stupidity of our neighbours to the south has been proven time and time again.
Are we headed back to the Stone Age, straight into World War III, civil war, an era of hatred and bigotry and the unchecked greed of billionaires over the other 99.9999999999999999999% of the planet?
Or are we finally headed in the direction of sanity?
We will not know, not likely today, not likely even tomorrow.
And as a neighbour only, I can only hope that the ruckus next door isn’t prelude to disaster.
Target: 900 words
Written: 1240 words, novella: The Mungk
Read: The Shining, Stephen King
Comics: 100 Bullets 73-76
Music: Nevermind, Nirvana (in a day of uncertainty and terror, transcendence was necessary)