black ice

Well, that was a fun day. Started well enough; turkey in the oven, potatoes scraped and cut and ready to be mashed, Groundhog Day queued up on Prime…

Then we took the dogs for a walk.

We should have turned back when we first started slipping, but no, we’re idiots, so we continued and sure enough, a fall turns to a hospital trip and a broken wrist.

The state of health care in this province is disgusting. I’m glad Doug Ford called an early election, so I can give him a big old middle finger on the ballot.

Cons, man. Describes them perfectly.

Target: 1100 words
Written: 273 words, novel: Bad Neighbours

Read: The Natural Navigator, Tristan Gooley
Comics: The Maxx 26-28, Friends Of Maxx 2
Music: I'll Stick Around, Foo Fighters

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